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Landcare Victoria Inc. Rules Review

With over 600 member groups, Landcare Victoria Inc is one of the largest environmental volunteer organisations in Victoria, fostering on-ground community led action. Landcare Victoria Inc.'s Rules (the Rules) and their effective application are at the heart of our organisation. These set out the rights and obligations of members, and the powers and responsibilities of the Management Committee (Board).

As Landcare Victoria Inc. continues to grow and improve support for its members, it is essential that our Rules support our strategic objectives

At the 2024 Annual General Meeting held on 22 May, our members voted in favour of adopting new Rules for the organisation. More information about the engagement and the changes that have been made to the Rules is provided below.

Rules Review Webinar

Held Wednesday, 10 April.

Following a comprehensive review of the Rules and member consultations earlier in 2023, the Landcare Victoria Board proposed changes to the Rules to ensure that Landcare Victoria has clear, fit-for-purpose rules now and into the future. In this webinar, we ran through some of the proposed Rule changes, the consultation process and the impacts these changes may have on our organisation and, importantly, on our member groups.

A recording of this webinar is available here. The webinar presentation slides may also be accessed here.

You can download the Proposed Rules, as well as the Rules Review Guidance Note from the links on the right of this page. 


The amendments to the Rules address four key issues:

1. The Landcare Victoria Management Committee (Board and Members Council) - changes to the composition and method of appointment of the Landcare Victoria Board and provisions to strengthen the role of the Members Council.

2. The Status of unincorporated Member Groups and management of organisational risk associated with these members - changes in relation to acceptance of liability for unincorporated member groups.

3. Risk management and insurance - new and amended rules to enable Landcare Victoria to establish policies that apply to all Member Groups and manage compliance with insurance requirements.

4. Membership - clarification and confirmation of who is eligible to be a member of Landcare Victoria and their rights and responsibilities

This Guidance Note provides an overview of the Proposed Constitution. It is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list of all drafting changes and is based amendments in the Proposed Rules that are likely to be of most interest to Landcare Victoria members.

Rules Review Guidance Note

This Guidance Note provides an overview of the Proposed (now adopted) Rules. It is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list of all drafting changes and is based amendments in the Rules that are likely to be of most interest to Landcare Victoria members.

Download Guidance Note

Constitution of Landcare Victoria Inc

A new Constitution was adopted by Landcare Victoria's members on 22 May 2024, to replace the previous Rules of Association. You may download a copy of the Constitution here.

Further information

Contact Landcare Victoria Inc.

 03 9034 1940 | [email protected]

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